====== Six clans in arthropods ====== {{ ::6clans.jpg?800 |}} __Maximum likelihood tree of 2920 P450 sequences from arthropods__. //(6 in clan 16, 19 in clan 20, 306 in mitochondrial clan (M), 733 in clan 2, 778 in clan 4 and 1078 in clan 3). An asterisk indicates bootstrap support values (UF/SH-aLRT/SBS) that are higher than 95/80/65. Only six genes from three CYP families in //Metaseiulus occidentalis// (CYP3104-6) fall outside this clan framework, and form a single clade (100/100/100) between the CYP2 and CYP16 clans, so they are outliers that are arbitrarily included in the CYP2 clan. The newly discovered CYP19-like sequences or CYP53 clan (Feyereisen et al., 2023) are not included in this tree from 2020. (Figure 1 from [[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096517482030179X|Dermauw et al., 2020]])//