====== Ceratosolen solmsi ====== {{ ::ceratosolen.jpg?300|}} Class : Insecta Infraclass : Neoptera Order : Hymenoptera Suborder : Apocrita Superfamily : Chalcidoidea Family : Agaonidae //Common name//: fig wasp NCBI:txid[[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=142686|142686]] Annotation from assembly GCA_000503995.1, project ATAC01. 38 sequences including one probable pseudogene (CYP6AEK4P). CYP4ACA1(a/b) is present as two tandemly duplicated perfect matches. In addition, a portion of the last exon is perfectly repeated in CYPABZ1 on the same scaffold (potential gene conversion event ?) A FASTA format file of this CYPome can be downloaded {{ ::ceratosolen.fasta |here}} The distribution of genes by CYP clan is tabulated [[CYPfam_by_clan|here]].