====== Ixodes scapularis ====== {{ ::ixodes.jpg?200|}} Class : Arachnida Subclass : Acari Superorder : Parasitiformes Order : Ixodida Superfamily : Ixodoidea Family : Ixodidae //Common name// : black-legged tick, or deer tick NCBI:txid[[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=6945|6945]] 199 sequences. Note that the annotation of Dermauw et al., 2020 is based on two sub-optimal genomes, with some uncertainty about heterozygosity. Some very close sequences named v1 and v2 may or may not represent alleles of the same gene. A FASTA format file of the CYPome can be downloaded {{ ::ixodes_2020_.fasta |here}}. The distribution of genes by CYP clan is tabulated [[CYPfam_by_clan|here]].