====== Lepeophtheirus nordmannii ====== {{ ::lnordmannii.jpg?200|}} Superclass : Multicrustacea Class : Hexanauplia Subclass : Copepoda Order : Sophinostomatoida Family : Caligidae Taxonomy ID [[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=2742169|2742169]] Annotation from assembly GCA_016086655.3, WGS project JADKYV01. 22 sequences. Note that CYP3651A1 lacks a classical Cys heme binding motif. A FASTA format file of the CYPome can be downloaded {{ ::l_nordmannii.fasta |here}} The distribution of genes by CYP clan is tabulated [[CYPfam_by_clan|here]].