====== Spodoptera littoralis ====== {{ ::slittoralis.jpg?200|}} Class : Insecta Infraclass : Neoptera Order : Lepidoptera Clade : Ditrysia Superfamily : Noctuoidea Family : Noctuidae //Common name// : African cotton leafworm NCBI:txid[[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=7109|7109]] Annotation from assembly GCA_902850265.1, project CADHRV01 137 sequences, (including 3 possible pseudogenes lacking the last exon). A FASTA format file of the CYPome can be downloaded {{ ::s_littoralis-137p450-17-6-2022.fasta |here}}. The distribution of genes by CYP clan is tabulated [[CYPfam_by_clan|here]]