====== Tetranychus urticae ====== {{ :tetranychus.jpg?200|}} Class : Arachnida Subclass : Acari Superorder : Acariformes Order : Trombidiformes Suborder : Prostigmata Family : Tetranychidae //Common name// : two-spotted spidermite NCBI:txid[[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=32264|32264]] Note: The CYPome represents a "panCYPome" of 93 //T. urticae// P450 sequences, assembled from the original London strain CYPome ([[https://doi.org/10.1038/nature10640|Grbic et al., 2011]]), and complemented with 13 genes found in (some or all) eight other inbred strains (to be published). Includes 3 full length pseudogenes found in all nine strains (CYP392B9P, CYP392D5P, CYP392D9P). CYP name of the London strain sequence (unless marked with another strain name). A FASTA format file of the panCYPome can be downloaded {{ ::turticae-pancypomedec9_2024.fasta |here}}. It lists the 77 London strain genes first, followed by 3 full length pseudogenes found in all 9 strains, and 13 genes found in other strains. The distribution of genes by CYP clan is tabulated [[CYPfam_by_clan|here]].