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Tetranychus urticae

  Class       : Arachnida
  Subclass    : Acari
  Superorder  : Acariformes
  Order       : Trombidiformes
  Suborder    : Prostigmata
  Family      : Tetranychidae

Common name : two-spotted spidermite


Note: The CYPome represents a “panCYPome” of 93 T. urticae P450 sequences, assembled from the original London strain CYPome (Grbic et al., 2011), and complemented with 13 genes found in (some or all) eight other inbred strains (to be published). Includes 3 full length pseudogenes found in all nine strains (CYP392B9P, CYP392D5P, CYP392D9P). CYP name of the London strain sequence (unless marked with another strain name).

A FASTA format file of the panCYPome can be downloaded here. It lists the 77 London strain genes first, followed by 3 full length pseudogenes found in all 9 strains, and 13 genes found in other strains.

The distribution of genes by CYP clan is tabulated here.

turticae.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/11 17:20 by renefeyereisen